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My name is Juliet and I’m a mom, businesswoman, blogger, aspiring baker and Vincent’s lifetime girl! As a passionate weight ‘loss enthusiast’, I help people overcome their weight challenges by providing motivation, meal plans, recipes, exercise plans, tips and tricks simply because I’ve been there.

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...Love Life,Enjoy Living
Warm Lemon Juice For Weight loss

Warm Lemon Juice For Weight loss

  • March 17, 2021
  • by

“If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?”

I love lemons and for good reasons too! From its bright yellow skin, refreshing scent to its versatility of usage, lemon should stand shoulders high in parade of fruits! From medicines to beauty, weight loss and food preparation, lemon can be found in all the continents.

homemade lemon juice

Lemon is the weight watchers bestie. Drinking warm lemon juice on an empty stomach offers you a plethora of health benefits that keeps your immune system working. Many people try to take lemon juice, but certain steps need to be followed to reap the benefits.


  • Use the juice from freshly squeezed lemons and boiled warm water.
  • Mix juices from 3 medium sized lemons to make a glass of lemon juice.
  • Be sure that the mixture is neither scalding hot (to avoid burns) nor cold (health benefits may not be fully realized)
  • Drink immediately upon constituting.
  • Use a straw to protect your teeth.
  • Not recommended for ulcer patients.


  1. Taking warm lemon juice daily helps maintain the body’s Ph balance.
  2. Lemon acts as a diuretic promoting urine output, thereby reducing bloat.
  3. It is a detoxifying agent, enabling the body to get rid of toxins.
  4. Lemons are a rich source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and of course vitamin C.
  5. Warm Lemon juice accelerates weight loss as it aids digestion and increases metabolic rate.
  6. Lemon juice is an easy to prep electrolyte energizing the body.
  7. Lemon juice helps to curb cravings.
  8. Lemon’s antibacterial properties ensures your body is infection and toxin free.
  9. Lemon juices have a lot of pectin which is super beneficial for your colon and for cholesterol reduction.
  10. Lemon water is of great benefit to the liver; enabling enzyme production and the myriad of chemical reactions that take place in the liver.
  11. Lemon has a lot of anti-inflammatory properties {phenols, flavonoids} that are beneficial for health reducing free radicals and their associated illnesses.
  12. Lemons help to reduce joint pains by eliminating uric acid from the body.


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Khyra Blog

My name is Juliet and I’m a mom, businesswoman, blogger, aspiring baker and Vincent’s lifetime girl! As a passionate weight ‘loss enthusiast’, I help people overcome their weight challenges by providing motivation, meal plans, recipes, exercise plans, tips and tricks simply because I’ve been there.

I believe in life- in all its beauty, dangers, worries, fun, pains, work (O yes!) excitement, happiness. I know that within each one of us is a burning desire to share, to do good, to work, to find meaning, to enhance that which we perceive to be oh so not good about us.

Weight challenges are an individual thing. Beauty issues are in the eyes of the beholder (my take!). But then, there’s a common denominator in all our problems: they won’t go away on their own. 

There’s no one size fits all remedy for life’s problems. At khyra my aim is to provide you with the motivation, info, tools, time and community of like minds to help on your journey to a fit, graceful and trendy you. 

I’ll be sharing home grown, weight loss, beauty and fitness ideas that help the modern woman (and our men!) shed excess kilograms, keep the weight off, live healthy vibrant lives, enjoying themselves and being at their most beautiful and productive best

Visiting for the first time?  Welcome!  For you to have read this far, it means you are ready to take charge of your life, enjoy your time on the planet and give life your best shot. I welcome queries, suggestions and criticisms. Living is learning and Khyra ain’t no different!

KHYRA…….love life, enjoy living

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