How To Lose Fat With One Simple Workout Routine
- May 08, 2019
- by
- Khyra
But regular exercising might be a difficult thing for the average Nigerian woman.
This is largely due to their busy nature – they are entrepreneurs, CEOs, COOs, pioneers, founders, sit on boards, wives, mothers and a lot more; finding the time and the strength to work out while wearing these many hats may prove difficult.
So, we have come to the rescue. We have found that one SIMPLE exercise that works the heart and trim the fat. It’s Jumping Jacks.
As kids, this particular exercise was compulsory in Primary School, especially during P. E (Physical Education) Days. We would jump up, gasping for breath and just have fun.
Did you know that the Jumping Jack was named after the innovator – General Jack Black Pershing who was one of the greatest military leaders in the U.S during the war times?
So, don’t trivialize this exercise because it seems easy or simple to do- this is how soldiers train, get ready for battles and conquer.
Stand still with legs straight open and arms positioned on your sides.
Jump up while your feet are spread and bring your arms above your head at the same time.
Jump up again and lower your arms to come back to the starting position
Do this for 20 seconds and that’s a turn.
If you do this for 4 minutes each morning and night, coupled with your adjusted and healthy diet plan, you’d start to notice the toned muscles, firm thighs and arms.
What are the overall benefits of Jumping Jack?
Jumping jack specifically target certain muscle in the body. And asides the fact that it increases strength and the functioning of the muscles, they are also pivotal for strengthening the entire body and making sure your cardiovascular is right. More benefits are outlined below:
They help in improving the body stamina and your overall endurance level – if you want to get better and consistent with the fitness life, get high on jumping jacks. It gets you ready for more exercises. This simple routine will also improve the flexibility of your body.
Since jumping is an audacious move against gravity, when performing jumping jacks, you are exercising against gravity. For each jump, the muscles pull at your bones. This eventually results in bone strengthening and this reduces the risk of developing bone-related problems.
Jumping jacks burn the fat. It trims the excess fat then start to firm up your body and this will reduce the risk of obesity and its many complications.
P.S: The best part of this exercise is that kids can even do it. Just get them into the fun mood and they would get their hearts pumping.
Remember, exercising is just one of the things to do when you want to lose weight. You can read our blog posts on the foods and smoothies you can incorporate into your diet plan to also lose weight.