3 Self-Care Tips for Valentines Day
- February 14, 2020
- by
- Khyra
Living 2020 to the fullest, even if it’s by yourself. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, you should be living your best life. Not worrying about the issues in your life – cause worrying never fixes anything anyway. Once in a while, just breathe and let go. Hit a refresh button and try again. The easiest way to do that is by taking care of yourself. Spending some “me time” this Valentine can be that new start you need.
Self-care is so important. These are a few tips you need to take care of yourself and appreciate all that you are. It’s nice being there for people and meeting deadlines and ticking off things from your to-do list but it would also be nice to do nice things for you.
Here are a few tips to help you feel more loved and happier on Valentines day.
Take a warm shower: Warm baths are relaxing and soothing and will definitely help to calm your nerves after a long day or before the start of one. Treat this time as a pampering session and take more time to focus on properly cleansing your skin than your everyday “wash and go”. This would not only boost your confidence but will help you look more radiant even on the outside. Warm baths also help to open up your skin’s pores and keep your skin feeling moisturized and lush. Warm baths also have a lot of health benefits like reducing your blood sugar level, aiding blood circulation, relieves muscle tension and a lot more you would testify to when you try this!
Watch a movie: It could be a romantic movie to go with the vibe of the holiday or a new movie you’ve always wanted to see. You don’t have to go with friends or your partner, enjoy your free time and go see that new blockbuster. Laugh, cry and scream if you have to. Sing along to the scores if you must and just live in the moment.
Whatever genre you decide to go for, make that hour (or more lol) count. Every detail and message in the movie should seem clearer, especially because you have no distraction. This movie could even give you the perfect adrenaline rush for our next tip.
Gift yourself something: You don’t have to break the bank or splurge. While there are many adjectives to describe the perfect gift, it would be nice to get yourself something sweet,spicy or shiny.
It could be an outfit,a pair of shoes, a piece of jewelry, the vehicle you’ve been saving up or something as simple as your favorite meal. Reward yourself for being a boss and being so hardworking! You matter, and treating yourself is good for your mental state. When you give yourself a gift, you get the emotional benefit of being both the giver and the receiver.
Luckily Valentines runs into the weekend this year, so lavish your skin, enjoy a good leisure and spoil yourself! It’s all you need this Valentine season. Be sure to let me know which of these tips made you feel like your best self or any other plans you have for Valentines.