![Health Benefits of African Star Apple (Agbalumo)](https://khyra.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/african-star-apple.jpg)
Health Benefits of African Star Apple (Agbalumo)
- July 31, 2022
- by
- Khyra
Whenever anyone grows weary of the second-hand sort of existence that depends on refined products and resume the intimate relationship with nature that man once enjoyed; fruits, nuts and vegetables are ready to furnish him with the magic of nature’s secrets.
African star apple is both delicious and low in calories, making it a power-packed favorite. The African star apple is more commonly known as Agbalumo in Yoruba and Udara in Igbo. Just like every other fruit offered by nature, it has some wonderful health benefits. From the prevention of mouth gum disease to the tackling of toothache as well as sore throat, the benefit of consuming Agbalumo goes on and on.
The milky juice that comes out of it when squeezed or sucked is not only satisfying like the chewable skin, it comes with some wonderful health benefits, which are highlighted below.
Studies have shown that a serving of Agbalumo contains just 67 calories; thus making it a good option for people with weight issues as they get fewer calories intake in the process of consuming it.
Natural mouth disease and connective tissues panacea.
Agbalumo contains a high Vitamin C content i.e. 100g of the fruit gives about 25mg of vitamin C. This helps protect the body against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling. It is also helpful in maintaining the healthiness of your gum.
Antioxidants help prevent the damage to the system caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that are produced in your cells during your own metabolism. They also arise from toxins in the environment such as black soots peculiar to high petroleum refining environment. Their production increases in response to stress or injury. Intake of foods and drinks that can neutralise these free radicals are highly encouraged, and Agbalumo does just that.
Good for Expecting mothers
The sour taste of Agbalumo prevents the high tendency to vomit, common to pregnant women. However, it’s important to notify your doctor before making it a staple potion of your diet.
Effective Agent in herbal medicine.
The sweet and sour taste of agbalumo acts as a natural remedy for common issues such as constipation, toothache sore throat, and indigestion. Herbal practitioners are also known to use the bark of the tree to treat yellow fever and malaria, while the leaves are useful for treating wounds, stomachache, and diarrhea. However, the leaves have been proven to be toxic when taken in excess quantities.
Rich source of Zinc
Human body contains only about 2g of Zinc. Inspite of this, Zinc plays pertinent roles in the activation of important enzymes and is closely associated with insulin, making the African star apple an important fruit for diabetic patients. Nutrition is the only remedy that can bring full recovery and can be used with any treatment, therefore make it your intention to eat right today. We love you!