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My name is Juliet and I’m a mom, businesswoman, blogger, aspiring baker and Vincent’s lifetime girl! As a passionate weight ‘loss enthusiast’, I help people overcome their weight challenges by providing motivation, meal plans, recipes, exercise plans, tips and tricks simply because I’ve been there.

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...Love Life,Enjoy Living


  • November 13, 2022
  • by

‘Your body is not Amazon Prime. It is not going to show up in two days, be patient with yourself and consistent with the process’- Anonymous

Which nut is healthiest you may ask? Walnuts really seem to take the lead. They have among the highest antioxidant and omega-3 levels and they beat other nuts in in-vitro test of suppressing cancer cell proliferation. Researchers at PREDIMED found that people who ate more than 3 servings of walnut per week, appeared to cut their risk of dying from cancer in half.

The African walnut (king of nuts) is mostly found in Nigeria and some other parts of Africa. In the Western part of Nigeria, it is known as “ASALA” while in the Southern part, it is called “UKPA”. It is one of the well packaged nuts that Mother Nature has blessed us with! Walnuts are energy dense and full of other nutrients. Eating walnuts regularly can help in losing weight easily. Walnuts contain good fats and aid in weight management.

Walnuts are highly nutritious and are replete with countless health-benefiting properties. They are rich in healthy fats, fiber and are a powerhouse of energy. Having a handful of nuts everyday can boost bodily health in a number of ways. Walnuts, for their nutrient-rich profile, could be beneficial for you, especially if you are looking to lose some weight. But how can walnuts, which contain fats in large quantities, be helpful in shedding fat? You may ask. The fats present in walnuts are good fats that aid in weight loss rather than wrecking it.

Aside other benefits, walnuts are advised to be eaten if you are watching your waistline. Let’s see how walnuts can help in shedding off excessive kilos:

1. Eating Walnuts May Improve Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure Level

2. It is believed that walnuts stimulate the right insula – a region in the brain – that regulates appetite and controls food cravings.

3. A study published in the journal Nutrients claims that people can manage their weight in a better way if they eat around 300 calories of walnuts regularly.

4. The same study suggests that a diet rich in polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) lowers down the level of a hormone called ghrelin, which signals the body to feel hungry.

5. Eating walnuts gives rise to the quantity of peptide YY (PYY), a hormone that increases satiety and makes the stomach feel full for a longer time.

6. An antioxidant compound called ellagic acid reduces inflammation and keeps the gut healthy and running smoothly. This leads to improved metabolism, which in turn, eliminates extra calories and fat faster.

7. Walnuts promote weight loss. The combination of powerful nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin D, omega-3 fats, proteins, antioxidants, plant sterols, manganese and copper, found in walnuts, fuels the body with sufficient nourishment and keeps hunger pangs away.

All in all, walnut is an all-encompassing food and consuming a bunch of walnuts every day may help you meet your weight loss goals. we recommend a daily serving of either ¼ nuts or seeds, or two table spoons of nut or seed butter.


  • Add a handful of peeled and broken walnuts to your morning smoothie or oats.
  • Create a delicious trail mix by mixing dried walnuts with dried coconut pieces cashews, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, ukwa seeds(toasted breadfruit) for some good crunchy snack.
  • Add freshly boiled and peeled walnuts to your salad- any salad combo works just fine.

Nuts of the eastern black walnut (Juglans nigra) and butternuts (Juglans cinerea) are less commonly consumed.

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Khyra Blog

My name is Juliet and I’m a mom, businesswoman, blogger, aspiring baker and Vincent’s lifetime girl! As a passionate weight ‘loss enthusiast’, I help people overcome their weight challenges by providing motivation, meal plans, recipes, exercise plans, tips and tricks simply because I’ve been there.

I believe in life- in all its beauty, dangers, worries, fun, pains, work (O yes!) excitement, happiness. I know that within each one of us is a burning desire to share, to do good, to work, to find meaning, to enhance that which we perceive to be oh so not good about us.

Weight challenges are an individual thing. Beauty issues are in the eyes of the beholder (my take!). But then, there’s a common denominator in all our problems: they won’t go away on their own. 

There’s no one size fits all remedy for life’s problems. At khyra my aim is to provide you with the motivation, info, tools, time and community of like minds to help on your journey to a fit, graceful and trendy you. 

I’ll be sharing home grown, weight loss, beauty and fitness ideas that help the modern woman (and our men!) shed excess kilograms, keep the weight off, live healthy vibrant lives, enjoying themselves and being at their most beautiful and productive best

Visiting for the first time?  Welcome!  For you to have read this far, it means you are ready to take charge of your life, enjoy your time on the planet and give life your best shot. I welcome queries, suggestions and criticisms. Living is learning and Khyra ain’t no different!

KHYRA…….love life, enjoy living

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